Get your chemistry done faster, greener and more cost effectively with…
Fast2Flash™ and FastWoRX™
Fast2Flash™ and FastWoRX™ are hydrophobic and organophilic. They absorb most organics and act as “non-liquid” solvents to eliminate time- and solvent-consuming liquid-liquid extractions (LLE) during organic reaction workups.
With Fast2Flash and FastWoRX, your workups and extractions can be done:
- Faster – in half the time or less
- Greener – with 90+% less solvent
- Simpler – no more separatory funnels or emulsions
- More efficiently – easy automation
Workups with a Lot Less Work and Waste

Fast2Flash is a hydrophobic and organophilic foam pad that eliminates time- and solvent-consuming liquid-liquid extractions during reaction workup. Fast2Flash acts as a “foam solvent” and is the ideal input for flash chromatography. The pad is made to fit a dry loading cartridge.
FastWoRX is a hydrophobic and organophilic powder that eliminates time- and solvent-consuming liquid-liquid extractions during reaction workup. FastWoRX acts as a “solid solvent” and replaces liquid-liquid extraction with a simple filtration. A magnetic powder is also available.
Please watch this animation for an introduction to Fast2Flash:
Please watch this animation for an introduction to FastWoRX:
Purchase products directly from Faster Chemistry or from our distributors.
Fast2Flash™ and FastWoRX™ are ideal for:
- Drug discovery
- Green chemistry and chemical manufacturing
- Agrochemical discovery
- High-tech materials discovery
- Specialty chemical manufacturing
- Water, medical and food testing